Friday, July 10, 2015

Raging Bill Part 2

Ready to run...that's not his blood!
He did it!!! Jerry ran yesterday while I had a seat in the bullring so I could get a photo of him coming into the ring. He entered the ring just ahead of the 600kg black bull who had stopped for a moment to crush some other runner's head. The bull made the front page news however he didn't fare as well when he headlined that evening's bullfight.  Jerry made it without any loss of blood or broken bones so that constituted a very successful run.  Before the run he was interviewed by an Italian film crew who insisted he was a Hemingway look alike so now he is an international  film star. He truly enjoyed it but when I mentioned that there was time for him to run again this morning he didn't take me up on that suggestion. Guess it is one of those once in a lifetime things with the emphasis on once.   
 Jerry is near the the
right of center. The bulls look slow but
they really are running.