Sunday, May 24, 2015

About Tapas

Remember the scene in "The Way" where Martin Sheen is embarrassed when
he insists on ordering Tapas and is told that in Basque country they are
not Tapas?  Here they are called Pintxo or Pintxtos (note the x) or Panchos.
But in Martin's defense, I have heard them called Tapas more often than
either of the other two names. Also we immediately recalled that the common
response in Spain is "vale" (ok), used most often in multiples... vale vale. 


  1. What a wonderful blog you have created ! I especially loved the 'Pearly Gates' story...very funny and a very special moment ! Jerry, I am so glad you tried a new food dish, just so I could see the beautiful picture of it ! Your 'Priceless' Hanging Out photo is hysterical and a perfect example of how funny the two of you are ! Glad to hear your gear arrived safely, but too bad about the storms. It sounds like you are being flexible enough to find some creative workarounds. Congratulations on your amazing adventure. Love from Debbie and Jerry- San Carlos ❤️

  2. Ok, I promised I would give some help on the commenting section. At first it looks easy, click 'Comment' type your little heart away. Get ready to 'Preview' and THEN you are asked to sign in via Google+, Facebook, etc. ok, fine, I signed in with Google+ and when it went back to my comment block, everything I had written was ERASED ! Although, greatly crushed....probably like your experience at the 'widowmaker'. I gathered my strength and courage to forge ahead. I rewrote my comment, probably not as eloquent and clever as the first time around, but, hey I persevered ! SO IT IMPORTANT TO SIGN IN BEFORE YOU START WRITING YOUR COMMENT. Where do I get my stamp ? ❤️dp in San Carlos
    PS. Next I am going to figure out how to plant a flag on the darn globe !

  3. About that globe thingy......well, duh. I saw that it was showing a flag for Atlanta and thought, well, if they can figure it out then so can I ! Hah ! I am here to report back with a red face that I 'accidentally' planted that flag by leaving my VPN on. Oops. I turned it off, but now my flag says I am in Empalme ! I am not in Empalme, but, hey close enough. Now I am thinking I could turn on lots of VPNs and it would look like people in China, Peru, Sweden, etc were checking in on you two !

  4. When they say vale, vale are both hand in the air just above their head moving side to side?
