Sunday, May 24, 2015

Xs and Zs

We have been intrigued by the number of Basque names that contain an X or Z. In one day we came through Xemein, Arratzua, Gerekiz, Larrabezua, Larrabetzu and Lezama and now we are in Zarautz, famous for surfers and weight lifters. We ducked into a restaurant to escape a downpour and wouldn't you know it, the bartender was a weight lifter from New Jersey. He convinced Jerry to expand his normal menu selection and to order this colorful dish. It
was a pepper topped with a fish mixture and shrimp. I
had one with crab meat and shrimp... delicious! We hadn't
seen any soup on the menus so we asked and they made
some just for us. Perfect for a couple of drowned rats and the perfect ending for the day.           

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